Stuck on what to get for a trucker? Check out our drivers must haves this Christmas.

Hi my beloved readers,
Are you trying to buy a gift for a truck driver and have no idea what to get them? We have all been here. We thought to save you some real thinking power we put this question to our staff and came up with this list for you below:
1 - Pen
Santa stocking gifts are always something of a struggle but who doesn't love a good working pen?! Something so simple can also be personalised to send them a special message, so they can be thinking of you when they are away.
2 - Safety Gloves
These can be purchased from most safety workwear stores and online. The driver fleece lined gloves are our favourite and are priced at around £5. These are something that a driver would never turn down and always useful.
3 - Flask
This is the perfect winter warmer for soups and hot drinks for a standard flask however, you could shell out the extra cash and get a duel functional one that can keep cold drinks cool in the summer. These can also be personalised with a little message and their name on too.
4 - Cab/Car Air Purifier
These are roughly £13 online and a great way to clear the air when things get a little stale. They even claim to make the air cleaner and can remove bad odor-causing particulates from the air...I will leave that to your imagination.
5 - Audio Books
Driving can feel lonely but a good story can really make the time go past. These can be gifted to your trucker loved one. These are a fantastic alternative to the usual gift card and you can choose the value.
6 - Dash Cam
These can be a simple solution for many truck drivers and some won't leave the yard without them. These range in price from £20 upwards and can provide your loved one with added security.
7 - Truck Kettle
These can be purchased for about £25 online and can go nicely with the flask! These are purpose built to fit in their cabs and allows them to make a brew while on the move.
8 - Shower kit
For those trampers or part time night out sleepers a shower kit, wash bag or just travel tooth brush would not be a miss. Something to spruce themselves up in the morning to start their days work.
9 - Nightout sleeping gear
Another good trampers gift is a decent sleeping bag, pillow or duvet this would go down a treat with them. Giving them something to snuggle in, in their home away from home.
10 - SatNav
Make sure to pick up a truck specified one. These can be on the pricey side but are a fantastic gift for any trucker, especially one starting out in the business who won't have one.
All in all, I think any trucker would be happy with any gift you give them but hopefully these have given you some ideas. If you have any suggestions please put them in the comments below as we would love to hear from you.
From all of us at Prigmore Haulage we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for reading, drive safe and over to you!